Iowans won’t stay silent

An Iowa citizen jury should have the right to hold wrongdoers accountable when they hurt our loved ones or us. This right is under attack, and Iowans are using their voice to speak out.

A mother and father’s love

Kelly and Travis suffered the ultimate loss when their 16-year-old son was left paralyzed and later passed away because he was not given enough oxygen during surgery. Now, they speak out against immoral legislation that protects negligent hospitals.

Senseless tragedy

A known heroin addict was hired as a truck driver. As a result, a Greene County father, farmer, and community leader lost his life. If this company would have done the bare minimum, Pat Fields would probably still be alive today. Now his family, faced with this tragic loss, speaks out.

Daughters fight for accountability

After Darlene was abused and neglected in her Iowa nursing home, her daughters Kathy and Patti fought for justice in our courts. Now, these two daughters are using their voice to send a resounding message: putting a price on human life is wrong.

Iowa veteran gets justice

Fred went in for a simple surgery to relieve his back pain. But when negligent doctors botched his procedure, he lost all feeling below his waist. Fred exercised his constitutionally protected right to hold those who harmed him accountable in a court of law.

Gave her a kiss and said goodbye

Since the devastating death of his wife, James has experienced sleepless nights filled with nightmares. He recalls the details of the horrifying car crash caused by a reckless towing company. In 2023, the Iowa legislature passed a bill that protects corporations from accountability when they kill our loved ones.

An insult from the legislature

A grieving Iowa mother shares the story of the loss of her son, Caleb. Now, she speaks out against a new law that protects the profits of insurance companies and negligent hospitals instead of our constitutional rights. Putting a dollar value on the lives of Iowans is insulting.

Farmer tells his story

After treating his 400 acres of soybeans with RoundUp for decades, Jim was diagnosed with lymphoma. His father faced the same diagnosis after the same exposure to the chemical. His doctor told him, "it's RoundUp." Now Jim is urging lawmakers to not give giant chemical corporations a bailout.

The impact of a loss

Dr. Allyn’s wife, Mary, died when she was 30. She gave birth to their son the day before. Mary fell victim to the third-leading cause of death in the United States: medical error. In a Des Moines Register op-ed, he describes the horrifying truth about putting a price on human life.

White House Senior Advisor

Former White House Senior Advisor and U.S. Senate candidate Sam Clovis wrote that, “With [tort reform], the legislature would take an immoral stand in forcing a government mandated price on human life” in this op-ed.

Life on the line

Al put his life on the line to protect our freedoms and our Constitution, including our right to trial by an Iowa jury. But who will protect him in is golden years? The state legislature took power away from our juries when they put a government-mandated dollar value on his life, and the lives of all Iowa seniors.

A nurse’s perspective

As a nurse, Sarah understands that life is priceless. She’s using her voice to send a message to lawmakers who forced a one-size-fits-all, government-imposed dollar value on the lives of Iowans: Those aren’t Iowa values.